Tuesday, August 28, 2007
To the Fair We Go...Twice!
Today our playgroup went to the Washington County Fair. Charlie was so...excited even though he had no clue where we were going. We all got there and as we approached the entrance there was a sign that stated that the rides would not be running until 5pm. Bummer! So we went ahead and saw all the animals. All I can say is...I am such a city girl!! The kids had a blast! Charlie was disappointed that he couldn't get on the rides. I think the mommies were as well. So, one of the mom's and I decided that we would come back in the evening. I'm so glad that we did. Her little one and my little one had so much fun. They definately like the BIG rides. They went on the swings and absolutely loved that. Charlie was squealing like a little girl. The other little boy didn't know what to think about it at first but eventually loved it. He didn't want the ride to be over. After they went on that ride then they went on a true kiddie ride - the choo-choo train that went 2 mph. Charlie sat there and endured it. The other started crying half way through. Come to find out...he didn't like the kiddie ride...he wanted to go on the swing AGAIN! After they rode on the swing we went on the catapillar roller coaster. Yep...they're diehards! Thank god it's over though...I felt so disgusting afterwards. YUCK! The important thing is that the kids had a good time, right?
Monday, August 27, 2007
Charlie's 1st Day in the 2 Year Old Class
Well, today went very well. Charlie was very excited to go to school this morning (to see Cole and Phoebe). When we got in the building he was heading towards his old class. I had to put the brakes on. He was a little leary about going in the new class but once he saw Phoebe playing he was game. I made the decision over the weekend that he would stay until 2:30pm instead of noon. I was a bit hesitate at first only because the the kids no longer sleep in cribs...they're on mats and I didn't know how they would adjust during naptime being so close to one another. The teachers said he did very well. I'm in the process of potty training him so I had him in pull-ups. They said he stayed dry and went to the potty every time they took him. The only time he wet his pants was while he was asleep. All in all, it was a very good day for all of us. I actually have more time to do things around the house. Sounds like fun, huh? Tomorrow, we are going to meet up with our play group and head out to the Washington County Fair. I'll let you know how they goes...
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Well, we went to our 2nd Wiggle show for the year today. Charlie was so excited this morning. He was ready to get out of his PJs and get out the door. I kept on reminding him that we had to drive to the Wiggle house for a while before we could get in their house. After reminding him 100 times he finally understood the concept and finally just passed out the second half of our trip to Little Rock. We got there and of course headed towards the souvenir table. My son now has every character, shirt, hat and backpack. He's set for life! Once the Wiggles came out on to the stage, he was in heaven. He just stared intently with his mouth opened the whole time. Towards the end of the show, I took him to the Toddler Mosh Pit. It was hilarious! Those guys work hard on stage! They performed for 1 1/2 hours straight. That's a long time for a little one to endure. By the time we got back to the car, Charlie was exhausted!! We went to eat a quick bite after before heading back to NWA. After we chowed down, he was out! I'll post pictures later. I need to put him to bed. He's asleep on my lap with his Captian Feathersword hat on with his Feathersword in his hand. Too Cute!!!
Sunday, August 19, 2007
What's going on?
Hmmm...not a whole lot has been going on. Charlie has finally completed his toddler days at First School. He will now be in the 2 year old room. We went to Open House on Wednesday to meet his new teachers and see his new room. When we got there, Charlie went to his old class across the hall instead of his new class. Once he got in his new classroom he saw all the toys and different set up and was like "wow!". He picked up a couple of toys and took it to his old class. LOL. He has one more week off and then back to normal hours. I'm still debating if I will keep him there until noon or at the 2:30pm pick-up. I just don't know. This Wednesday we are taking him to another Wiggles concert. I'm really excited to see how he reacts at this one. I will definately post some pics of that. Nothing else really going on though. I'm still going to the gym almost everyday. On the days that I don't get to go, I'm relieved but then again...I feel real sluggish on those days. I have noticed that I have toned up. If I can just keep it up I'll be happy with myself by Thanksgiving. Well, it's time for Prince Charles to take his afternoon nap. I'll blog later!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
The Best Decision I Made in a Long Time
Well, I finished up the NWA Junior League New Members Retreat. I had a lot of fun meeting new people and seeing those that I know there. I am so...glad that I joined this organization. We did something today that really got to me and has forever changed my perception in life. I will dedicate my time and put my whole heart and soul into this project. I wasn't able to take many pictures so I hope the girls at the Retreat will send us pictures so I can upload them here. I am so tired now I can't think straight so I'll blog later, I just wanted to let you know how the Retreat made such an impact on me.
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